lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


Nowadays, corporate culture is a very important factor for business success but what is it about? Well, in simple words the corporate culture can be defined as a force that leads people within an organization to make things exactly how they usually do. The corporate culture involves from the greeting to the way people communicate vital issues to the organization. Building a good corporate culture is not an easy thing to do. It takes time and effort to make employees to be familiarized to the processes and the “how we do things around here”.  Therein of transmitting the culture, old employees play a major role because when new people is hired, they are who teach them how to do thing and step by step they end up adapting to the corporate culture.

It is also important to study why is essential the CC? I think that the answer is related to what we can achieve when having a strong corporate culture but as we know not everything had to be perfect. So let’s see the positive and negative aspects of having a strong CC.

 Joe Vanilla

The strong corporate culture improves the communication so we can say that when you are the boss of one department of an organization with a strong CC, the working instructions will be effectively transmitted which makes the work to be done in similar method, this increases the productivity.

Other vital aspects also increase, like the loyalty of employees what makes of dismissing something to be avoided. People working in a place with a good work environment are certainly most motivated and active workers.

Also, management control is better, which gives to managers the confident and tranquility of knowing what is what their employees are doing and how are they doing it.


In multinational corporations with a strong CC, there is a moment when appears a clash between the local national culture and the imported one. Here is when good cross-cultural managers must to do a perfect work because in many cases it is hard to be managed.

In a large company, usually there is not a common corporate culture but they are divided by sub-cultures when this happens is very likely to have problems between one sub-culture another.

tutor2u. (s.f.). Recuperado el 28 de february de 2011, de tutor2u:

1 comentario:

  1. I found interesting to mention that corporate culture is one of the things that influence how the organization makes decisions, communicates and structure its roles. It’s not the only one that influences there are other factors like the internal (organizational strategy, organizational history, resources, the CEO´S psychological make-up) and some external factors like the financial market, national culture, industry interests, decisions made by the competitors, suppliers, law regulations, among other factors.
