lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


Motivations are the internal or external factors that stimulate the energy, the desire and the willingness to be committed to some goal, job or activity. The motivating factors can be positive or negative and also can last just a month or years. The motivation can be impart from people to themselves as self-motivator or to someone else like a motivator.

Exist three very recognized ways to motivate people, those are: fear, reward and attitude. The first one is about making people to do something because there an intangible thing that they feel threatened for example the job, the respect, or even the fear of making a mistake. This is not a good motivator because causes resentment, resistance and revenge. The reward is the assurance that is something is done; the person will receive some payment for. Is not recommendable because it does not last in time and also people is like expecting the reward in order to achieve something so it becomes inefficient. Finally is the attitude is as simple as doing things because of who you are and you feel good doing it.

I think that the economic retribution is not enough to keep people motivated, there many other things that would encourage people to fight for a goal and those are the feeling of importance; when your boss makes a comment about how well you did a task, in front of someone even more important. This makes people to feel big and essential so they feel that must keep doing things right. Another way of motivate people is reminding them how important are their assignment (even if it is not) because if employees feel that they are developing something vital, they will do it better.

So, now we can say that emotional source of motivation could be very powerful (admiration and respect) but we should not demerit the power that money has, because it cannot be seeing as motivator but certainty the lack of money is a strong demotivator.

RAO, V. S. (17 de August de 2010). Recuperado el 28 de february de 2011, de human resource management:

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