domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011


“The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.” Woodrow Wilson

Leadership is a process where the leader influences the followers in order to accomplish a common task. Alan Keith of Genentech states that, "Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen."


When working with different cultures there are many things to do as a leader to motivate and involve people into a goal. One of the most important things is to identify that you are dealing with groups of people from diverse cultures that has many differences in nature. Leaders must understand the essence of each culture quickly, that´s because the culture influence a lot in the performance of employees and to shape the culture they should know how to start and what are the key actions or behave to gradually shape.
Another fact that influences in the cross-cultural leadership is the communication, cultures differ in the way their communicate for example Germans and Americans are willing to say things directly taking into account what they are saying but not the way they say it. That person used to confront people and always tries not to leave anything to the interpretation. But in the other hand, there are the British, Indian and Arab who prefer the indirect communication and avoid confrontation. Not analyzing this situation would create problems not only in developing the task but also in the emotion and motivation of people.

Jonsen, B. B. (october de 2008). Recuperado el 06 de 03 de 2011, de IMD:
kwintessensial ltda. (s.f.). Recuperado el 06 de 03 de 2011, de kwintessensial:

1 comentario:

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