lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011


“The way firms build, supplement and organize knowledge and routines around their activities and within their cultures and adapt and develop organizational efficiency by improving the use of the broad skills of their workforce” Dodgson (1993).

This definition covers some important aspects about the organizational learning, the most relevant thing about it, is not only that OL is how “how we do things around here” but also that the processes must be created based on what is going to improve the company efficiency. OL is so important because it involves the learning as a unit but it implies the individual learning because if a member can learn something nor will the group and it means that won’t exist an organizational learning .


Labor skills, cultural values, political situation, and local institutional arrangement are very different from one placed to another and also are the learning styles and the way people communicate and relate each other. Because of those differences, it is so important for managers to change and improve the way they communicate, organize, do things and learn. Obviously, there must exist a mutual capacity and ability of adaptation which would show a commitment and willingness to learn.

Being able to achieve and implement the necessary changes in the company will ensure high efficiency and that the knowledge and skills will be shared and absorbed and a better way. 

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