lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011


1.       How can we create an ethical relationship between religion and business so that they may cooperate towards a more sustainable and respectful development of life?
Religious and economic actors are obliged to observe and respect each other because historically they are related, being based that in the begging of times all the power even the economic one was concentrated in church and nowadays this institution have much influence and power over the population, in this order of ideas it is important for the businesses to act and specially develop their ideas according to what is going to be accepted by the church and their ethical ideas.

2.       Can you imagine a world without religion where everyone would be trying to get immediate satisfaction to their individual needs?

Imagine a world like this is not easy because in the common mind of men, conceiving such an idea is irrational, but being practical, in that world things could be out of control, poverty rates would be very high, as that violence and all socio-cultural phenomena that are controlled from the imposition of a religious ideology or the result of the same, so, nothing guarantees that the statement had to be met, what if this new freedom brings with it a greater union of peoples, a diversification of ideas and inventions, sustainable development of all sectors of the economy of a nation but the truth is that a situation like this would clearly depend on the heart, culture and instincts of the societies in which occurs something similar to the given example.

3.       Religion can create networks of trust and familiarity that facilitates economic transactions. Can you name other positive aspects of this relationship?

Sure, they have done throughout the history of mankind and will remain so until the last day of this institution. Religion can rely on the kindness of individuals to achieve their primary objective, has no problem on addressing the future of a nation, turning the inhabitants      into people without voice or vote against their freedom of choice, religious ends up being a profitable business that does not require a large initial investment and self-sustained, generating immediate resources, it becomes part of general consultation and support of the financial, political and military sector (among others).

4.       Do you think that stereotyping based on religion has been influenced by economic or political interests, why, whose? What is the role of The Media in this issue?

Definitely it is, people in the economic and political sector has always taken advantage of the differences from one religion to another and maybe it is there is an undercurrent of religion and creed, something like a large company that meets investor´s needs at the expense of suffering and sacrifice of some and the constant and endless submission of a number of followers or believers. Whoever is behind this? Impossible to imagine, but there must exist someone who represents those interests. The media can lead to an industry elects to follow the guidelines of a man or institution, as it is they who have the power of information, practical and safe mechanism to change the thinking and culture of a company in short, medium and long term.

1 comentario:

  1. These are very interesting responses, But I really believe that religion is a very polemic topic that sometimes hurts personal thoughts, so it is difficult to talk about it. You did it so well.
